Tag Archives: Mount Rushmore

Around the world in 3 weeks

Do you know what poutine is?  Where can you find Mount Rushmore?  What town in Alaska did the makers of Northern Exposure base Cicely on?  And who is their town mayor?


Don’t know?  I am offering at the University of the Third Age in Adelaide a six week course in August called Travel with Confidence.  If you were to come along you would find out.

I have spent lots of hours in the past few weeks planning the course.  I have allowed three sessions to cover the world – a very tall order.  Trying to cover off all the main things to see and do is well nigh impossible, but it has been fun to try.

Of course everyone’s interests vary hugely, and mine tend to history, culture, architecture and food so I have tried to add in sporting venues and events, carmakers and music highlights as well.  Almost 11,000 words on Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific islands and Southeast Asia, and I have not covered off Hong Kong, Macau, the Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, China and India!

13 pages on Europe, Russia, Scandinavia, and the UK and Ireland plus Iceland, and I have finished Canada and the USA, but have central and South America plus Africa to do yet.

You get negative points if you can’t identify this place below!

USA 485

It is a ridiculously big world.  And that is its joy.  There is so much diversity and richness to explore, so many people to meet and some many cultures to experience.

I hope my love of the places I have visited personally, and those I have researched for clients, and for my travels yet to come will inspire others to get out there and see it.

Please feel free to send your answers to those questions by reply, and if you can’t find out, I will post the answers later on.